कॉलेज के छात्रों के लिए 12 शैक्षिक वेबसाइट | 12 Educational websites for college students
Educational websites for college students
Here's our list of 12 of the most helpful websites out there for college students
1. PDF-drive :
PDF Drive is a free search engine which lets you search, preview and download millions of PDF files into your devices. ... As of today we have 230,000,000+ e-books for you to download for free. No ads, no download limits, enjoy it and don't forget to bookmark and share the love!
2. Remove Background :
Remove.bg is a free service to remove the background of any photo. It works 100% automatically: You don't have to manually select the background/foreground layers to separate them - just select your image and instantly download the result image with the background removed.
3. pastebin.com:
Pastebin.com is a website where you can store text for a certain period of time. The website is mainly used by programmers to store pieces of sources code or configuration information, but anyone is more than welcome to paste any type of text. The idea behind the site is to make it more convenient for people to share large amounts of text online. Users have the ability to make private pastings , so they are only visible to the people they choose to share their links with.
4. pexels.com:
Pexels is legal. Photographers upload their images to Pexels knowing that their images will be reused by others. Using the images on Pexels ensures that you avoid copyright conflicts that would otherwise be an issue when downloading from Google.
5. Draw.io:
draw.io is the most tightly Google Drive integrated diagramming application available. draw.io. (6972) Works with. draw.io is completely free online diagram editor built around Google Drive(TM), that enables you to create flowcharts, UML, entity relation, network diagrams, mockups and more.
W3Schools is an educational website for learning web technologies online. Content includes tutorials and references relating to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Python, AngularJS, React.js, SQL, Bootstrap, Sass, Node.js, jQuery, XQuery, AJAX, XML, Raspberry Pi, C++, and Java.
7. Dictation:
Dictation is the transcription of spoken text: one person who is "dictating" speaks and another who is "taking dictation" writes down the words as they are spoken. Among speakers of several languages, dictation is used as a test of language skill, similar to spelling bees in the English-speaking world.
8. AlternativeTo:
AlternativeTo is a website which lists alternatives to web-based software, desktop computer software, and mobile apps, and sorts the alternatives by various criteria, including the number of registered users who have clicked the "Like" button for each of them on AlternativeTo.
9. Resume Maker:
Free resume builder, the fastest resume maker with effective, built-in resume templates. Personal reviews by experts. Make your perfect resume in minutes! Take your resume to the next level Used by over 3.5 million people worldwide, VisualCV is more than a resume builder. Designed for professionals to stand out in the job search, its powerful features will help you land your dream job. 22 premium resume templates. Hundreds of resume samples.
10. File Pizza:
File Pizza lets you share files with friends using Chrome or Firefox. Sharing files on the web with friends and family via peer-to-peer in many cases require a BitTorrent application, especially when the files being shared are very large.
11. Tutorial Point:
Tutorial Point is an educational website for learning books online. Content includes tutorials and references relating to Engineering Books (civil Engineering, computer science, mechanical Engineering etc.) and also read books of CBSE Board and State Board etc.
12. File Hippo :
FileHippo is a software downloading website that offers computer software for Windows. The website has sections listing most recently updated programs and most popular downloads, organised by category, with program information and link. Registration is not required in this website and also HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Python, AngularJS, React.js, SQL, Bootstrap, Sass, Node.js, jQuery, XQuery, AJAX, XML, Raspberry Pi, C++, and Java etc.
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