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19 कानूनी अधिकार जो हर भारतीय को पता होना आवश्यक है! | 19 Legal Rights That Every Indian Should Know!

19 कानूनी अधिकार जो हर भारतीय को पता होना आवश्यक है!

     India is a democracy Country. In a democratic system every citizen enjoys certain constitutional rights. Since every citizen is required to know about their legal rights, due to lack of education and awareness, many citizens do not know their legal rights, due to which we become victims of trouble, corruption and fraud.         

16 कानूनी अधिकार जो हर भारतीय को पता होना आवश्यक है! | 16 Legal Rights That Every Indian Should Know!

01. With your LPG gas connection, you get an insurance up to Rs 40 lakh automatically. That is, if there is an explosion in your gas cylinder, then you can get compensation of up to Rs 40 lakh.

02. If you accept the gift offered by a company, then any person can sue you for taking bribe. Nowadays the tradition of sending gifts to people in companies is becoming. A law was enacted by the government in the year 2010 to end this tradition and according to this law, if you take any kind of gift from a company, then it will be deemed as bribe and you can be prosecuted.

03. In India, only women police officers have the right to arrest women and take them to a safe police station. If a woman police officer is arrested and taken to a police station in India, it is considered a crime and such police officers can be prosecuted. If a woman is asked to come to the police station between 6 pm and 6 am, then the woman has the right to refuse to come to the police station.

16 कानूनी अधिकार जो हर भारतीय को पता होना आवश्यक है! | 16 Legal Rights That Every Indian Should Know!

04. Income tax officers or tax collectors have the right to arrest you. If you do not pay tax, then the TRO (Tax Recovery Organization) has the right to arrest you and you can be released from jail only on their permission. This rule is mentioned in the Income Tax Act of 1961.

05. No Motor Vehicle Act is applicable to those who drive a bicycle. If you ride a bicycle everyday then you have no need to worry about the rules of the Motor Vehicle Act because bicycles and rickshaws are not covered under the Motor Vehicle Act.

06. Women can also file a complaint through e-mail to the police. The Delhi Police has recently given such a facility to women in which women can register their complaints sitting at home through e-mail and they will not have to come to the police station.

07. In India, many people still consider live-in relationships a legal offense. According to Indian law, a live-in relationship is not illegal, but a man and woman living in a live-in relationship have to take care of many things. If the child is born in a live-in relationship, then he will have full rights over the property of the parents.

08. Political parties have the right to rent vehicles from AAP at the time of elections. If you are ready to give a vehicle, then during the election, political parties can rent your vehicle from you.

09. In India, if you have been fined once a day for violating traffic rules, then the police officers cannot impose fines for the whole day. For example, if you have been challaned for not wearing a helmet once a day, then by night you can roam without wearing a helmet and the traffic officer cannot impose a fine on you.

10. You have the right to pay less than the maximum retail price of the item. You can also buy an item from the shopkeeper with a deal, such as if the value of an item is Rs 100, then you can also buy the item for Rs 90 by making a deal.

11. If someone does not pay you by taking work from you or borrowing money from you, then you can file a complaint against that person in court.

12. According to Indian Act, if someone is not paying you, then you can file a case against that person by writing an application in court. This is your legal right. You have three years to file a complaint against the person from whom you have to take money.

13. If you do obscene activities in public place, then you can be punished for three months.

14. The head constable of the police cannot punish you for any crime whose fine is more than Rs 100. If you violate more than one law, you can be invoiced.

15. According to the Police Act made in the year 1861, the police officer of every state of India will always be on duty.

16. If a crime or incident happens in the middle of the night even at some place, then the policeman has no right to say that he is not on duty because according to the Police Act, policemen are always on duty without uniform.

17. According to the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act of 1956, if you are of Hinduism and you have a child, then you cannot adopt another child.

18. If you do not have a child and you want to adopt a child, then there must be a difference of at least 21 years between you and the child's age.

19. If sex relations are not good in husband and wife then both can use this reason as proof of divorce.

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